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R_VOLUTION – R_video version 1.9.39

The latest R_video version adds amazing new features including Favorite Scenes and multiple categorization.

New features
Favourite scenes (incompatible with Zappiti players from the HDR range or older): the ability to create favourite scenes, play them or associate scenes from the user community. Click here to see the tutorial… Built-in video player (optional) for PC and Mac versions. Note: the built-in video player does not manage ISO or structure video files.Multiple operations: the ability to delete or add multiple items at once in a category. Click here to see the tutorial… Multiple operations: the ability to delete or add multiple items at once in a group. Click here to see the tutorial…


  • While loading the collection, the “Back” button now has an immediate effect.
  • The date is now ignored in the title (if inside parenthesis) when re-identifying video content.
  • For R_volution NAS users, new option to disable the files renaming and moving function.


  • Fixed the R_volution Share function that no longer worked on some R_volution players.
  • Fixed the viewing status of series that sometimes did not update correctly.
  • Fixed various translations in German and Spanish.
  • The duration of the films in synopsis were incorrect for some Blu-ray iso or structure encoded in seamless branching.

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